1. Preliminary Data Analysis#

Performing a preliminary data analysis is crucial to gaining a better understanding of the data and making necessary cleaning adjustments. During this step, we will explore the following questions:

  1. Does the packname follow a consistent pattern?

  2. What is the distribution of hold times?

  3. Is there a clear relationship between difficulty rating and piece counts?

We’ll be taking a look at the data sets member_hold_times_and_packs.tsv and packs.tsv.

# Importing Libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import warnings

1.1 Members Data#

  • memberID - Unique identifiers for each person

  • holdtime - number of days the person had the pack

  • puzzlepack - name of the pack (may have more than 1 puzzle per pack)

member_holdtime_df = pd.read_csv('data/member_hold_times_and_packs_Feb16_2023.tsv', sep='\t', header=None)
member_holdtime_df.columns = ['memberID', 'holdtime', 'puzzlepack']
(19733, 3)
## Does packname have a pattern?
memberID holdtime puzzlepack
0 member1 2.939411 Artifact Puzzles Justin Hillgrove Word Travels South Artifact Puzzles Justin Hillgrove Word Travels West
1 member1 0.998885 DaVici Puzzles Full Moon Feast DaVici Puzzles World's Greatest Miracle
2 member1 10.865032 DaVici Puzzles Flying Frigate DaVici Puzzles Hobby Horse
3 member1 22.083971 Liberty Puzzles Haeckel Hummingbirds Nautilus Puzzles Mother Adams
4 member1 5.077603 DaVici Puzzles Diana Zimens City Of Cats


  • Observe the extra space at the end of “cats “. This shows it has this pack has only one puzzle.

  • other strings have the word “Puzzles” twice while ‘Diana Zimens City Of Cats ‘ has it only once.

  • Looks like the first word is a brand or something, then the word “puzzle” and the name of puzzle. For example -

    • DaVici, Puzzles Full Moon Feast DaVici Puzzles World’s Greatest Miracle

    • DaVici, Puzzles Flying Frigate DaVici Puzzles Hobby Horse

    • Liberty, Puzzles Haeckel Hummingbirds Nautilus Puzzles Mother Adams

    • DaVici, Puzzles Diana Zimens City Of Cats

## What is the distribution for holdtimes?
plt.figure(figsize = (10,5))
plt.title("Figure 1. Distribution of Hold Times", weight='heavy',y =1.1, x=0.16).set_fontsize('18')
z = sns.histplot(data=member_holdtime_df, x="holdtime", color="#F9C762", alpha = 1.0, bins = 75)
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=False)
z.yaxis.grid(True, color='#EEEEEE')
plt.xlabel("Hold Time", size=17, weight=500)
plt.ylabel("Frequency", size=17, weight=500)
# plt.savefig("_static/images/hold_times_dist.png", format="png", dpi=1200)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))
sns.histplot(data=member_holdtime_df, x=member_holdtime_df.loc[member_holdtime_df['holdtime'] <= 150]['holdtime'], bins = 20,color="#ffa07a", alpha = 1.0, ax=axs[0])
axs[0].set_title("Holdtime up to 5 months")
sns.histplot(data=member_holdtime_df, x=member_holdtime_df.loc[member_holdtime_df['holdtime'] > 151]['holdtime'], bins = 20, color="#FB607F", alpha = 0.9, ax=axs[1])
axs[1].set_title("Holdtime over 5 months")
# plt.savefig("_static/images/hold_times_dist2.png", format="png", dpi=1200)

# Distribution of member hold times value counts
plt.figure(figsize = (10,5))
plt.title("Figure 2. Puzzle Packs per Member", weight='heavy',y =1.1, x=0.16).set_fontsize('18')
z=sns.histplot(data=member_holdtime_df['memberID'].value_counts().reset_index(name='freq'), x='freq', bins = 20, color="#FF3D4D", alpha = 0.9)
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=False)
z.yaxis.grid(True, color='#EEEEEE')
plt.xlabel("Count of Members", size=17, weight=500)
plt.ylabel("Count of Puzzle Packs", size=17, weight=500)
# plt.savefig("_static/images/members_dist2.png", format="png", dpi=1200)

1.2 Packs Data#

  • pack_name - name of the pack (may have more than 1 puzzle per pack)

  • brand - brand name of puzzle pack

  • piece_count - number of pieces in puzzle

  • difficulty_rating - difficulty rating for puzzle

packs_df = pd.read_csv('data/packs_Feb16_2023.tsv', sep='\t', header=None)
packs_df.columns = ['pack_name', 'brand', 'piece_count', 'difficulty_rating']
(920, 4)
pack_name brand piece_count difficulty_rating
0 Anne Belle Thompson The Mikado Anne Belle Thompson Two Kimonos Other-Hand-cut 387,242 A-Easy,A-Easy
1 Anthology Puzzles Alphonse Mucha La Plume Anthology Puzzles Fun at the Fair NaN 320,160 Average,Average
2 Anthology Puzzles Colorful Cat Anthology Puzzles Life On The Reef NaN 150,170 Really-Hard,A-Easy
3 Anthology Puzzles Framed American Gothic Anthology Puzzles Haeckel Floral NaN 320,300 Average,Average
4 Anthology Puzzles Over The Moon Anthology Puzzles Happy House Plants NaN 278,177 Average,A-Easy

Separate columns into piece_count_1, piece_count_2, difficulty_rating_1, difficulty_rating_2

# making two coulmns for piece count
packs_df['piece_count_1'] = packs_df['piece_count'].str.split(',', expand=True)[0]
packs_df['piece_count_2'] = packs_df['piece_count'].str.split(',', expand=True)[1]

# making two columns for difficulty
packs_df['difficulty_rating_1'] = packs_df['difficulty_rating'].str.split(',', expand=True)[0]
packs_df['difficulty_rating_2'] = packs_df['difficulty_rating'].str.split(',', expand=True)[1]
# creating temporary dataframe with no missing values for analysis
packs_df_temp_1 = packs_df.dropna(axis=0, subset = ['piece_count_1', 'difficulty_rating_1'])
packs_df_temp_2 = packs_df.dropna(axis=0, subset = ['piece_count_2', 'difficulty_rating_2'])
packs_df_temp_1.piece_count_1 = packs_df_temp_1.piece_count_1.astype('int')
packs_df_temp_2.piece_count_2 = packs_df_temp_2.piece_count_2.astype('int')
Really-Hard 79
Hard 329
A-Easy 493
Average 931
# checking category-wise distribution of piece_count
plt.figure(figsize = [12,10], dpi=100)
color_dict = {'A-Easy':"#ff7f80", 'Average':"#e83e8c", 'Hard':"#ff9867", 'Really-Hard': "#ffb14e"}

sns.boxplot(x = "piece_count_1", y= 'difficulty_rating_1', 
            data=packs_df_temp_1, palette = color_dict, order = ['A-Easy', 'Average', 'Hard', 'Really-Hard'])
plt.title("Puzzle one distribution")

sns.boxplot(x = "piece_count_2", y= 'difficulty_rating_2', 
            data=packs_df_temp_2, palette = color_dict, order = ['A-Easy', 'Average', 'Hard', 'Really-Hard'])

plt.title("Puzzle two distribution")
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

packs_df.to_csv('data/packs_df.csv', index=False)
member_holdtime_df.to_csv('data/member_holdtime_df.csv', index=False)